How to download or extract the vlan/lan network ID settings from Meraki Dashboard

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How to download or extract the vlan/lan network ID settings from Meraki Dashboard

Hi , I am new to the meraki network. I have a question here and appreciate your advice! 😁

Is there a way to extract or download list of vLAN settings of each site in my organization? I tried to search the menu but had no luck. Do I need to run some scripts to get the result? I have no clue at all. If I must run some script, please let me know where to start. Much thanks 




2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal

As @ww has indicated, you need to use the API to get this information. 

Depending what you’re looking for you’ll need to find the correct API endpoint. The only ‘VLAN’ settings that really exist in a Meraki network are the Layer 3 interface (assuming the VLAN has one). If you’re thinking Cisco Catalyst where you create and name a VLAN, then that doesn’t apply to the Meraki solution. On the MS all VLAN tags are passed (and you just add Layer 3 interfaces), unless you specifically block them, on the MX you do have to create a VLAN, but all you’re really doing is creating a Layer 3 interface.

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