I have the pornographic content filters activated and they work fine, but when doing a search on Google, for example for the term xxxxxxx and seeing the results in images, it shows the pornography and even allows you to navigate to the sites found.
I have the search filter activated, but it seems that this is not enough.
What am I missing?
Thank you!
I believe that you will not be able to create a filter with this level of granularity in Meraki.
It should prevent subsequent navigation to the specific website - you have an MX between the client and the Internet, right? And your Dashboard is licensed for Advanced Security (or SD-WAN+) Assuming so - and you have configured content filtering as per https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Content_Filtering_and_Threat_Protection/Content_Filtering, I suggest you raise a case with Meraki Support
1 - you have an MX between the client and the Internet - yes
2 - - yes
3-the link is wrong
even not showing images in a Google search? No, I don't think the MX has this capability.
It wouldn't be so bad if it only showed images, the problem is that by clicking you can navigate to the sites found, which if you type directly are blocked correctly.
Ah I understand now, so check if the customer is not on a whitelist or open a support case as suggested.
Just curious, have you done a URL test to see which category it is being classified in?
I didn't do it, it was a big surprise when I started browsing the porn pages. These days I do that and tell you.
I just opened a support case.
Did you check that the client is not whitelisted?
Yes, I already made sure that the client is within the general rules, I even tried it with a new client.
From the documentation you gave me
...what a problem
Forcing SafeSearch is your only real option.
If you manage your own DNS server: https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/186669?hl=en
If you use Cisco Umbrella: https://docs.umbrella.com/umbrella-user-guide/docs/enforce-safesearch-for-dns-policies
Thanks, I hadn't seen this. I study it and come back to you.