We operate an MX84 at the primary site and an MX64W at a secondary site connected via Meraki Site to Site VPN, which was set up prior to my taking over here.
We need to increase the DHCP range of address.
The current set up is as follows.
The MX64W has 2 Vlans with Vlan 1 being VLan 2 is
The MX84 has 7 Vlans, although not all are used currently.
Vlan 10 is our primary internal data Vlan with
Vlan 100 is our MR18 Vlan with
Vlan 20 is VOIP with
So I need to increase the available address for Vlan 10, but x.x.171.x is in use.
Does that matter if they are all Vlan'd or do the IP ranges have to be kept seperate and clear of each other?
If so how do I increase the range without breaking Meraki?
I'd rather not have to re-address the entire range and move away from x.x.170.x
It would be easier for us to change the MX64W Vlan 1 to another range freeing up the x.x.168.x
Regards, David