So, I think I found the "why" in this problem. In the GUI, these functions are on two different pages: Addressing & VLANs and DHCP. But, in the API, these two sections are one function: updateNetworkVlan:
"id": 99,
"networkId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"applianceIp": "",
"subnet": "",
"fixedIpAssignments": {},
"reservedIpRanges": [
"start": "",
"end": "",
"comment": "Reserved Range"
"dnsNameservers": "x.x.x.x\nx.x.x.x.x",
"dhcpHandling": "Run a DHCP server",
"dhcpLeaseTime": "1 day",
"dhcpBootOptionsEnabled": false,
"dhcpOptions": []
Updating via API works as expected as I can change all of the second octets. But is there a way to change these addresses in the portal without getting an error? Thank you.