Clear AAD SSO credentials for AnyConnect VPN Client

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Clear AAD SSO credentials for AnyConnect VPN Client

We configured Azure AD Single Sign On for Cisco AnyConnect.  I got the authentication screen, Logged into AAD, and Clicked Yes on the "Keep me signed in" screen.  Now I need to clear those credentials.


I tried clearing all IE cookies and cached files, but that didn't help.  I also uninstalled and reinstalled the AnyConnect VPN Client and that didn't help either.



3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You might have to clear the profile and other files from under "%ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"


You can also revoke sign in tokens from M365 which will end all sessions for a user and force reauthentication.

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Thanks for the thought. Unfortunately deleting everything in that location doesn't work.  I even uninstalled Anyconnect, deleted the entire %ProgramData%\Cisco folder, and then reinstalled, and it still remembers the previous login.


I don't want to have to revoke all sign-ins from M365 as that'll effect everything else the user is logged into.

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Delete all files and folders under...

C:\Users\[USER NAME]\AppData\Local\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\*.*

The VPN client will now prompt for credentials

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