Can a LAN device communicate with a "Translated" IP

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Can a LAN device communicate with a "Translated" IP

MX appliance 1: Main subnet, VPN Subnet with address translation

MX appliance 2: Main subnet, VPN Subnet with address translation


MX appliance 1 and 2 are participants in a Site to Site Meraki VPN. The main subnet of both MX appliances is the same so address translation is used for the VPN Subnet.

The question:

Due to a device configuration limitation, a local device on MX appliance 2 (IP is programmed to communicate with another local device on that MX appliance using the VPN translated address (IP The Local IP address of the second device is actually 


How does the MX handle this situation? Does the MX translate back to the local device within the same MX or is the address translation only meaningful for communications across the site to site VPN?

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

I think you'd need to test it - the feature is not designed for that use case, it's designed for traffic flowing across AutoVPN tunnels only  (it's called Site-to-site VPN translation, after all:  )

As I understand it the traffic in this case would need to be routed locally by MX2 alone.   I'd be surprised if it works, personally.

What's preventing from being configured to communicate directly with   That traffic wouldn't even need to hit the MX.

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