Hello All,
I hope you are all well.
I have been continuing testing the Cisco Secure connect sites and the default route scenario. I had a few issues when enabling the default route with Meraki switches not communicating out to the Meraki cloud and Meraki APs showing as the wrong country...but the good people of Meraki support have resolved these problems and pointed me to the VPN exclusion...which worked.
However, I am still scratching my head as to why our Arctic Wolf sensors have now gone offline. I have added all the exclusions from Arctic Wolf whitepapers also to the VPN exclusion list and have also created a firewall rule and DNS policy to allow the AW sensors outbound traffic. Speaking with Arctic Wolf support they have said that I need to allow inbound traffic to the sensors.....this is strange as before with just the MX's the only exclusion was added to the Meraki outbound rule.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.