Meraki Go and Meraki enterprise accounts for same customer

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Meraki Go and Meraki enterprise accounts for same customer

Hello all


Based on the info found in this community I´ve found out an assumption that you can´t create a Meraki Go account if you already have a Meraki enterprise account created for the same email address. I currently have Meraki enterprise and Meraki Go accounts with separate email aliases and this is working fine. I´d test this by using the same email I´ve setup Enterprise account but I currently do not have any unclaimed Go subscription to test this with.


Could you confirm  that its not possible to run Go and Enterprise accounts with same customer email?

1 Accepted Solution
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6 Replies 6
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This is correct. 

New here

So is it safe to say that the Meraki go AP that I jut purchased will need to be returned?  I have an existing MX60 and a MR16.  I was just trying to add-on an outdoor AP for my area and I guess this was not the right choice.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

Getting noticed

Hi Troberts1966 - 


The Meraki Go Outdoor Access Point will work along side your existing MX60 and MR16, however, it is managed through a separate iOS/Android app. If you're looking for a device that integrates with the Meraki Enterprise Dashboard, you'll need a different device.






Tanks for the info.  I do have a follow-up.  When you say the Meraki-go AP will work alongside the other Meraki gear... can I use the same SSID on Meraki and Meraki-go APs and allow users to roam between them?


Even if I have to use the app the manage the Meraki-go AP, this would be a great option.

Getting noticed

Hi @scourgio -


This would be similar to using a different brand access point and configuring it with the same SSID and PSK. In the end, your client devices will be able to roam between them (by disassociating and re-associating to the in-range AP). You'll lose out on some of the Client Balancing and Roaming features that come with enterprise Meraki gear.




OK, Thanks
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