GX50 vs GX20

A model citizen

GX50 vs GX20

anyone know the differences between GX50 vs GX20?   


I see that the GX50 is 500mbs vs the gx20 200mbs


physical port structure looks the same


I was confused about the wifi bands supported info on some sites.  it does or does not  have stand alone WiFi capability?


Its called a "Plus " model....whats plus about it.


are there any software control differences (log of rejected traffic, etc)


there is no info anywhere other than the basic high level new product announcements


I bought my gx20 in may and just bought the gx50 last night due in the week of 18 july.


big price difference....paid 130 for the gx20, the gx50 is coming in at 349, more than double.






1 Accepted Solution
A model citizen

reviewed the Meraki Data Sheet.  it looks like the "plus" reference is for the GX50's VPN hub functionality.  not sure if this means you can do a site to site VPN with the GX50 or if this is just a VPN hub allowing up to 50 client VPN connections.    Aside from the speed difference..refered to as 500+mbps on the gx50 vs the 250mbps on the gx20 (which should be called 250 minus , since no one has ever gotten 250mbps on the gx20).  I dnot know if the GX20 supports any type of layer 2 or 3 VPNs.   I know my wifes office VPN works on the gx20 but thats probally a layer 4 VPN (client side software passing thru the GX20 and not controlled by the GX20).



FW through put500+Mbp/s250Mbp/s
vpn through put300 Mbpsnot published
VPN tunnels50not published
client recommendations5050 or less
Network and security services  
stateful firewallyesyes
port forwardingyesyes
DHCP servicesyesyes
DNS based optional cisco umbrella securityyesyes
client VPNyesnot published
PoEnot published1
Marketing materials in english (as of 6 july)noyes




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11 Replies 11
A model citizen

reviewed the Meraki Data Sheet.  it looks like the "plus" reference is for the GX50's VPN hub functionality.  not sure if this means you can do a site to site VPN with the GX50 or if this is just a VPN hub allowing up to 50 client VPN connections.    Aside from the speed difference..refered to as 500+mbps on the gx50 vs the 250mbps on the gx20 (which should be called 250 minus , since no one has ever gotten 250mbps on the gx20).  I dnot know if the GX20 supports any type of layer 2 or 3 VPNs.   I know my wifes office VPN works on the gx20 but thats probally a layer 4 VPN (client side software passing thru the GX20 and not controlled by the GX20).



FW through put500+Mbp/s250Mbp/s
vpn through put300 Mbpsnot published
VPN tunnels50not published
client recommendations5050 or less
Network and security services  
stateful firewallyesyes
port forwardingyesyes
DHCP servicesyesyes
DNS based optional cisco umbrella securityyesyes
client VPNyesnot published
PoEnot published1
Marketing materials in english (as of 6 july)noyes




A model citizen

Well I received the gx50 today.


the unit is much bigger than a gx20


its been running for about an hour.


the first 30 minutes was the alerting game I’m with rainbow status lights.


so it’s been about 30 minutes past the alerting .


right now it works.


speed wise…which is the main reason I bought it…in getting 300mbps on the gx50 vs the 200mbps I was getting on the gx20.


my internet service is 1gb and my cables are cat 6.


so definelty not getting 500mbps plus.



will check the speed again later.  Right now it’s 6pm.



A model citizen




so with an I7 laptop that has a 1gb Ethernet , cat6 cable, and plugged into the switch, I get mid 700’s up and down.


just not getting that thru the AP’s



A model citizen

it also looks like you cant use a gx50 and a gx20 on the same account.....if you try to add a gx50 while your gx20 is still active in your account you will get an error that only 1 gateway is allowed.  so you have to delete your gx20 in the meraki go app then add the gx50.



Getting noticed

This is what annoyed be a bit, though I understand even with enterprise meraki you wouldn't be able to add a new model without removing (for HA it doesn't matter)


It would be nice if we could add it ahead of time for staging purposes, but I suspect that won't be possible.


Best suggestion for staging:


Install and power on a head of time then add to the account to minimize down time. 

A model citizen

This would be a fun test


don’t know if it will work


network a = on email acct 1, isp A , gx50+AP 


network b = on email acct 2, isp b, gx20+ap


can ap b and AP a be meshed?


if network a goes down, endpoints switch to network b.


the APs may have to talk to each other and that might require port forwarding and static routes.


another use for a second Fw, use a second acct to activate it.  Put it on one of the lan ports of the first Fw and use it on a guest network.  Or put a switch on the isp connector toon and put both fw’s on the switch for main network and guest network use.



or rid it up as a lan Fw using a seperate email acct .



or just sell the gx20


in going to give mine to my son after he moves next week.


if he doesn’t want it, I’ll clist it.


i think he will want it, he just got hacked 3 weeks ago and they stole his identity and spent 12k of his online credit acct money.  

Getting noticed

That won't work. APs will only mesh if they are apart of the same Network within an Organization. That said, if the SSID is the same yes they will fail over, however you will have two competing SSIDs broadcasting which with cause client issues as they will likely flap between APs as they will connect to which ever is strongest.

A model citizen

So we can’t rig up portforwarding and static touts to trick these APs to think they are on the same network?



A model citizen


Got a pm asking me to post my link speed using a laptop plugged into isp port.  Well , here it is.



A model citizen

This means there is about 15% bandwidth cost penalty using the gx50.  Which is expected on this type of firewall.



Here to help

This is fantastic information.  I am not always watching these forums and I probably only come here to rant a bit, but this is excellent work and forwards the cause for all of us.  Thank you. 

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