Any Plans to Upgrade or Resolve Meraki Go Hardware Sync with Status Notifications and website?

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Any Plans to Upgrade or Resolve Meraki Go Hardware Sync with Status Notifications and website?

We have deployed literally hundreds of the MR10 and MR12 AP and many of the firewalls and switches as well, it appears there is some pretty large amount of lag as to when a device updates the Meraki app or website. We have devices that are green and ready to use and sometimes up to 30 minutes later the website will finally update it's status, this has made it very hard to continue installing this brand when others in the market offer real time, while we love Meraki Go ease of use and setup. This restriction and what feels like lack of performance has forced us to stop sell of the hardware until we can get this resolved. 


Does anyone know of any plans from Meraki to fix this or maybe it's already resolved in a firmware I don't yet have? 

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