Moving our entire Network to Meraki components brings up a couple questions I would love to have other opinions.
At the Moment we have regular L3 Switches in a VMware infrastructure. Regular WiFi accesspoints, nothing Special. Domaincontroller VM is DHCP and DNS Server, every Piece of hardware has a manually defined IP address. Clients get their IP from the DHCP server, well as soon as the VM is up and running ...
As we switch everything to Meraki, I thought about using the DHCP server options Meraki has.
We have 2 MX100, MS250 Switches, couple accesspoints ... the VMware Server is the only Thing we move to the new infrastructure.
So I thought about setting up the DHCP server at the MS Switches and get rid of the the MS DHCP server. Also, as I use the MS250s for Routing between the Networks I thought about setting up the DHCP servers at the MX100 to assign IPs to the hardware stuff (Switches, Accesspoint ...);
Any suggestions ? Best practice ?