Documentation Digest: June 7th - June 13th

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Documentation Digest: June 7th - June 13th



New articles:

MG52 Internal Antenna Datasheet

MG52E Cellular Dipole Antenna Datasheet

Change: New articles.


Uplink and Performance Tab

Change: New article.


APN Selection

Change: New article.


Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst:

Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst Wireless Requirements

Change: Clarified wording of required licenses for Access Points and Wireless LAN Controllers.



Meraki SD-WAN

Change: Updated failover times.


Auto VPN Port Change FAQ

Change: Updated due date to Wednesday, July 31, 2024.


Creating a Layer 7 Firewall Rule

Change: Added "Firewall rules, of any type, apply only to traffic which traverses through the firewall device. This means that firewall rules do not apply to traffic originating from (such as LDAP binds) or terminating at (such as client VPN) the firewall device.  Additionally, MX VLAN interfaces and the MX WAN IP addresses, themselves, are not considered in Allow or Deny rules."


Connection Monitoring for WAN Failover

Change: Added "The MX also performs an ARP test to its default gateway and its IP (to detect a conflict). If these tests are successful, the ARP test is marked as good for 120 seconds. If any of those tests are unsuccessful, the MX decreases the testing interval to 30 seconds. If the next test then fails, ARP will be marked as failed on the uplink. Otherwise, a successful test will again mark ARP as good for another 120 seconds."


IPv6 Support on MX Security & SD-WAN Platforms - LAN

Change: Added "If IPv4 addresses are provided using the "specified nameservers" option, but no IPv6 addresses are provided, the MX will advertise its VLAN interface addresses as IPv6 DNS servers to clients and begin proxying DNS queries as though the "proxy to upstream DNS" option is in use."



MS and CS Firmware Features Directory

Change: Added MS130-8P-I; added C9300/L/X models; added CS17 firmware features.



Automatic Frequency Coordination

Change: Added note "If an external GPS antenna is used to achieve satellite reception for the AP, the cable length will default to 10 meters. If no external antenna is detected, the cable length will default to 0 meters."



Gen2 MV Mounting Options and Guidelines

Change: Added note "The MV13, MV33, MV63, and MV93 series are products of Generation 3 MV.  All Gen3 cameras utilize a new set of mounting plate and mounting accessories."


Meraki Vision Portal Changelog

Change: Added internal release notes for up to v4.2.2.



Systems Manager Agent Release Notes

Change: Added internal release notes for up to v1.19.3.


General Administration:

Global Overview

Change: Added "Organizations Status Changes Card" and "Firmware Status Card".


Meraki Per-Device Licensing - Configuration

Change: Added "If you are interested in upgrading from Enterprise to Advanced Security or Secure SD-WAN Plus, please reach out to our Support team by submitting a case on our support home page or by calling into Meraki."

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