New articles:
Organization End Users
Change: New article.
Managing Dashboard Administrators and Permissions (Modernized View)
Change: New article.
Secure Connect:
Cisco Secure Connect - Unified Organization Change Log
Change: Added note about log exchange behavior between Umbrella and Meraki Organization change log.
Setting Up Your Cisco Secure Connect Account
Cisco Secure Connect Foundation Meraki SD-WAN Integration
Change: Added section "Prerequisites - Data Storage Location Setup".
Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst:
Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst
Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst Wireless Requirements
Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst Wireless Design Guide
Cloud Monitoring Catalyst 9800 Dashboard Provisioned Configurations
Connecting Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller to Dashboard
Monitoring Catalyst Wireless 9800 Controllers
Troubleshooting Dashboard Connectivity to Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controllers
Change: Removed "Early Access" notes, because Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst Wireless is now General Availability.
Meraki Dashboard Catalyst Wireless - What's New
Change: Added "Meraki dashboard for Catalyst Wireless public early access/beta has ended and is now General Availability!"
MG Wireless WAN Dashboard Settings
Change: Added "When Auto SIM failover is enabled, the MG will fail over to the standby SIM if it cannot establish dashboard connectivity for 5 minutes."
MG52/52E Technical Specifications
Change: Added "ATT Firstnet" to Certified Carriers.
Site-to-Site VPN Settings
Change: Added note that the Local ID is only available with IKEv2.
vMX Setup Guide for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Change: Added "AWS applications such as Amazon Cloud Watch and Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) is currently not supported to be used with vMX's."
MX Firewall Settings
Change: Update "FQDN Support" consideration: "The communication between the client and DNS server can be an inter-VLAN or NAT'ed traffic flow, but cannot be intra-VLAN (this DNS traffic is not snooped)."
Network Objects Configuration Guide
Change: Added "Layer 3 inbound rules cannot be manually configured unless the NAT Exceptions (AKA No NAT) early access feature is enabled."
vMX NAT Mode Use Cases and FAQ
Change: Updated vMX in NAT mode behavior: "vMXs in NAT mode will not advertise subnets that are available on the public/private cloud. If an AutoVPN peer wants to access resources inside the public/private cloud, it must send all its traffic to the vMX, which will then NAT the traffic and send it across its WAN interface into the public/private cloud environment. This requires a full tunnel configuration on the AutoVPN peer communicating with the vMX."
MX Cold Swap - Replacing an Existing MX with a Different MX
Change: Added "Before connecting to the dashboard and pulling its config, the MX uses its out-of-the-box config, which includes running DHCP services on a default subnet. This can cause issues for downstream clients, as they may receive unexpected IP addresses if they are connected to the MX LAN before the MX downloads its configuration. To prevent this scenario, only the MX WAN port should be connected initially, while the MX LAN ports should remain disconnected until the MX has checked into the Meraki Dashboard."
Meraki MX ThousandEyes Configuration Guide
Change: Added "Full ThousandEyes Path Visualization support for Applications over the AutoVPN tunnel is a work in progress".
Configuring Active Directory with MX Security Appliances
Change: Added "AD integration with NTLM (New Technology Lan Manager) is only compatible with version 1 - NTLMv1. Any other version will fail."
MX and Z-series Source IP for RADIUS Authentication
Change: Updated NAS-IP behavior beginning from MX 19.1.6.
Cisco Secure Access Meraki SD-WAN Configuration Guide
Change: Added section "Configure Layer 7 Health Checks"; added description for "Tunnel Monitoring"; added note regarding availability for "Redundancy for Secure Internet Access" and "Redundancy for Private Access/Site-to-Site and Internet Access".
Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
Change: Added note about the default naming behavior for the DDNS Hostname feature being changed.
AnyConnect Client Download and Deployment
Change: Added "The AnyConnect app for ChromeOS is still listed on the Chrome Web Store, however it is no longer maintained nor supported. Chromebook users should install the Android version of the app instead where possible."
AnyConnect on the MX Appliance
Change: Updated certificate requirement: "A chain certificate must establish a full chain of trust back to a root CA, including any intermediate certificates that sit between the device and root certs."
Using the MS Live Tools
Change: Added "Traditional Traceroute tool is only available when L3 interfaces have been configured on the switch."
Automatic Frequency Coordination
Change: Added Wi-Fi 7 access points.
Capturing Wireless Traffic from a Client Machine
Change: Added "When capturing traffic on an end device, you are able to see L3 packets since the wNIC cards can map them. The MR's perform a monitor mode PCAP, meaning you cannot see L3 packets. Dashboard monitor mode PCAP is passive and more suited for observing authentication and association frames."
Wireless (MR) Firmware Features Directory
Change: Added "AI-RRM (NDP support)" and "Intelligent capture".
Low Power Mode on Cisco Switches
Change: "Alternatively, PoE can be disabled and then re-enabled without shutting down the port itself with the "power inline" command."
Software Inventory
Change: General article refresh.
General Administration:
Managing Multiple Networks with Configuration Templates
Change: Added "If that same network is then re-bound to the template, it will be assigned a new randomly selected subnet rather than receiving the same subnet previously allocated."
Enterprise Agreements
Change: Added section "Adding Additional Devices to Use Your Enterprise Agreement".
Adding and Removing Devices from Dashboard Networks
Change: Added "If swapping out an MX appliance with a static WAN IP, the uplink config (Appliance Status > Uplink) should be recorded - including IP, default gateway, subnet mask, and DNS servers - before proceeding to step 3, as this config will not be saved."
Meraki Co-Termination Licensing Overview
Change: Updated section "MS Licensing Options".
Alerts and Notifications
Change: Added "All firmware upgrade alerts will be sourced from the same email address. To ensure that alerts are not being lost to a spam filter, please be sure to add as a trusted email source."
Manually Integrating Cisco Umbrella with Meraki Networks
Change: Added note about the interoperability when using Umbrella on MR and an MX upstream.
Information for Cisco Meraki for Government users
Change: Added CW9176I, CW9176D1 and CW9178.