Hi Community,
Below are the most important changes to our documentation between August 26th and October 13th:
MS130 Datasheet
MS130 Series Installation Guide
Change: New articles.
Named VLANs in MS Configurations
Change: New article.
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Manage DNS Policies
Change: Added sections "MX Auto VPN and DNS Security" and "Remote Access and DNS Security".
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Account Setup Troubleshooting
Change: Added table with correct region pairings for data storage locations.
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Remote Access
Change: Added section "Remote Access Log Export"; added note about Certificate handling regarding endpoint posture.
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Setting Up Client-based Remote Access
Change: Added KB article deprecation notice and reference to new KB article.
Cloud Monitoring Overview and FAQ
Change: Added section "Packet Capture".
Getting started: Cisco Catalyst 9300 with Meraki Dashboard
Change: Added minimum firmware version for C9300X-12Y, C9300X-24Y, C9300-24S and C9300-48S switches; added note when "Migrating from Monitored to Managed mode".
BETA: Meraki MX ThousandEyes Configuration Guide
Change: Added section "Monitored Networks Table"; added additional licensing option "Per Network SD-WAN"; added FAQ "Why is the SSL time for MX-based agents tests higher than other platforms?".
MX Warm Spare - High-Availability Pair
Change: Added about loss of connectivity on both Internet uplinks for up to 2 minutes, when modifying the IP address of a WAN connection to use a virtual IP address.
MX Warm Spare - High-Availability Pair
Automatic NAT Traversal for Auto VPN Tunneling between Cisco Meraki Peers
Change: Added note to use the virtual IP address of the HA pair not the individual IP addresses, for services that direct traffic to the HA pair.
Content Filtering Troubleshooting
Change: Added note "Starting from MX17 and newer, content filtering will use Cisco Talos Intelligence".
Meraki MX/Z Security and SD-WAN Licensing
Change: Added ThousandEyes to Secure SD-WAN Plus; added section "Per Device SD-WAN Capabilities"; updated table "Features by License Option"; added multiple questions to FAQ.
MX64 Installation Guide
MX65 Installation Guide
MX64/64W and MX65/65W Hardware Replacement due to Security Certificate Expiration 2020
MX64 and MX65 Overview and Specifications
MX84 Installation Guide
MX84 Datasheet
MX100 Installation Guide
MX100 Scheduled Firmware Upgrade Cancellation - 4/27/2023
vMX100 to vMX S/M/L Transition FAQ
Change: Added note about maximum firmware support.
Meraki Insight Introduction
Change: Added note about new Meraki Insight port in use (TCP 443). Old port TCP 6514 has been decommissioned.
Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD)
Change: Added MS130 to list of supported models.
MS Firmware Upgrades
Change: Added additional method to monitor staged upgrades.
MS and CS Firmware Features Directory
Change: Added MS 16 Firmware Features.
Wireless (MR) Firmware Features Directory
Change: Added "CW9166D1"; added "Alternate Management Interface IPv6 support" to MR 30.X Firmware Features.
MR76 Datasheet
MR86 Datasheet
Change: Added warning "Antenna are not included, please see 'Ordering Information'".
Automatically Integrating Cisco Umbrella with Meraki Networks
Change: Added note "If the network where Umbrella is provisioned is bound to a configuration template, DNS events reported for that network will have the template name in the "Network" column".
Wi-Fi Personal Network (WPN)
Change: Added section "API Configuration".
IPSK Authentication without RADIUS
Change: Added warning about SSID disappearing, if you add an AP that doesn't match the mentioned limitations into a network that already has an IPSK without RADIUS SSID.
Meraki Vision Portal Changelog
Change: Added release notes for up to v1.12.0.
MV Smart Camera FAQ
Second Generation MV Cameras: Overview and Specifications
Third Generation MV Cameras: Overview and Specifications
MV63 Series Datasheet
MV93 Series Datasheet
Change: Added note about NDAA compliant.
Sensor Alert Profiles
Change: Added note that SMS Alerts are not supported with mainland China telecom providers.
Uninstalling Systems Manager and Removing Managed Devices
Change: Added note for "Removing macOS with ADE Profiles 'removable' option set to disabled without factory resetting the device".
MDM Settings
Change: Added note to not modify the subject DN contained within the CSR when signing the CSR file with your CA.
Small-Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) and Stacking Accessories
Change: Changed title; added MS130; updated all table to include SFP categories.
Cisco Meraki Dashboard API
Change: Added API URL for organizations hosted in the Canada dashboard.
Adaptive Policy Overview
Change: Added note that micro-segmentation policy enforcement will not be performed, for clients that are connected to a non-CMD capable switch.
Adaptive Policy Configuration Guide
Change: Added CW Access Points to list of supported devices.
Combined Dashboard Networks
Change: Added note that an MV Camera network is not automatically created when you create a new Combined network and further information.
Packet Capture Overview
Change: Added note that Cisco Meraki Support seeks prior written permission from a customer’s Organization Administrator or Network Administrator before initiating a packet capture on behalf of a customer.
Product Firmware Version Restrictions
Change: Added Maximum Runnable Firmware for MX100, MX64/W, MX65/W, MX84; added Z4.
Meraki Licensing
Change: Added Subscription Licensing.
Meraki Co-Termination Licensing Overview
Change: Added note that SD-WAN Plus is not currently available in mainland China.
Meraki Licensing - License More Devices vs Renewal
Meraki Co-Termination Licensing Overview
License Info Page - Co-Termination License Model
Change: Updated to accommodate for the new "Add Licenses" button.
Returns (RMAs), Warranties and End-of-Life Information
Change: Added statement, that Meraki Support may request for a video of the device with additional instructions such as clearly showing the serial number; added note about refund request for Meraki Subscription Licensing.
Cloud Monitoring Overview and FAQ
Cisco Meraki Dashboard API
Creating and Applying Group Policies
IPSK Authentication without RADIUS
Configuring SAML Single Sign-on for Dashboard
Change: Added references to free online training courses on the Meraki Learning Hub.