VPP sync not working

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VPP sync not working

Hi all,


I am trying to setup an automated installation for our 30 iPads.

My current problem is that when I wipe and reinstall a device, I have to enter an Apple ID to install the Meraki SM app.

From this post (https://community.meraki.com/t5/Mobility-Management/Sign-in-to-iTunes-to-allow-quot-ios-meraki-com-q...) I understand that I have to "buy" the app in the VPP and use device based licensing.

My problem: I have bought 100 licenses for the Meraki app (they appear in the overview) but they don't appear in Meraki's VPP page. I have clicked "Force sync" at least 10 times with no effect. There is only one app visible that was bought 2 years ago.

What am I doing wrong?


Thanks in advance.

1 Accepted Solution
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Alright, I found the solution (with a lot of help by a guy from a different MDM software company):
My problem was that the token was used by more than one MDM server, so it could not be used. I removed the token from every other MDM and it works now. A little error message would have been nice, though.

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14 Replies 14
Kind of a big deal

Have you verified that the VPP token is set up properly - I recommend redoing the process to confirm? Once the device is added in VPP go to Apps and add it as a managed app and check the option to install with VPP codes.

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Thank you for your answer.

As far as I can tell the token is correct. I downloaded the file from VPP and uploaded it at "Organisation > MDM > Apple VPP Managed Distribution" - is there any more to do? How can I check if it is correct?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Are you getting an error message when the sync fails?



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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Actually if its a licensing issue are you app's setup like the below screenshot and have you set your devices to be supervised?


App VPP.png



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It looks like this:


The problem seems to be that I don't have any licenses in Meraki. In VPP, however, I have 100 of them:

Unbenannt2.PNGThe problem is that I can't get them from VPP to Meraki.

Kind of a big deal

Clear your current VPP token and complete the following steps: 




After competing the above, force sync again. I haven’t had any issues with VPP so it has to be an issue with your setup.

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Well, I did that at least 5 times. I can't clear my token, I just can replace it with a new one. I even deleted the VPP account and entered it again to no effect.

Just to make it clear: The e-mail provided is supposed to be the one used for my VPP Apple ID, right?

I know that it has to be an issue with my setup, but what else can I try?

Kind of a big deal

Yes, the email needs to match your VPP.

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No, it just displays this:


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Alright, I found the solution (with a lot of help by a guy from a different MDM software company):
My problem was that the token was used by more than one MDM server, so it could not be used. I removed the token from every other MDM and it works now. A little error message would have been nice, though.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Glad you got it worked out and thanks for sharing the solution, hopefully that will help someone else in the future.


As for no error message thats odd but that could be Appe's fault by not generating a response that Meraki is able to pickup. 

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I don't think it is Apple's fault because Zuludesk a) can detect that the token is used by a different MDM and b) has a button to take ownership of a token. So there must be a response that Meraki should handle properly.

I forwarded this information to the Meraki helpdesk guy who handled my problem, maybe future versions will have such a feature.

Kind of a big deal

I would have never thought of that. Thanks for sharing! Hopefully, Meraki can implement a warning to prevent this from happening. 

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Head in the Cloud


Thank you for coming back and posting the answer!


I am also aware that some other providers do detect this - Definitely one to remember.


Thank you,
Peter James

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