Permit all App in Device Owner Mode - Android Enterprise

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Permit all App in Device Owner Mode - Android Enterprise

Hi, we have an Android 13 phone under MDM in Device Owner Mode - Android Enterprise (Android 11+).

Is it possible to keep the Play Store open to download any App?



2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey @Luca_1,


You'll need to enrol the device into BYOD mode rather than Device Owner mode if you wish the end user to install whichever applications they want via Google Play.


In DO mode, the only apps available to install in Google Play are those approved under SM > Apps.

Getting noticed

ConnorL's answer is correct.
However, after disabling 'Disable modifying accounts' in Android Restrictions,
If you allow users to sign in with their personal account, they can purchase and download apps from the Play Store with their own account.

Of course, the DO's account will still be there and the device will still be in the Managed state.

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