Is that equation correct?
I have been working on this for a few hours now only to come to the conclusion it doesn't work, or I'm missing a very specific setting.
When I have a policy with Outlook settings it will not work. It keeps telling me that my credentials are wrong - they aren't, or I get an error code 701 "the service is currently offline". If I check in Active Directory for an increase in my bad password count it still shows 0. If I monitor the firewall in front of the Exchange server it also doesn't register any traffic coming from the phones WAN ip address.
If I take out all the Outlook settings from the policy and manually put them in by hand during the normal Outlook first run setup it works fine.
So what am I missing, or does Outlook on a Samsung Android phone configured through Meraki MDM trying to access email on an Exchange 2013 server just not work?