Location Services & Battery draining

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Location Services & Battery draining



I just wanted to get an idea / or get feedback from other companies that are managing their fleet of iPhones/Androids devices. 


Our company policy is that Location Services must be enabled on devices, in the event of theft/lost etc. As we can't force this on devices using Meraki, we have been going around enabling them on staff phones manually.


Since doing so, some staff complain it severely drains the battery life, has anyone else found this and how are you managing this? 


One device, for example is an iPhone 13, with 98% maximum battery capacity. 


Can you fine tune the location services polling or how often it checks in? 




I have contacted Meraki support, but not getting any responses so far.



2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Yes I have seen this exact issue with my work and personal devices to the point I disabled it. 

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Comes here often

FYI - for anyone else wanting to know, Meraki Support came back to me, and suggested the following:


Go to System Manager > Policies > Create New Policy ... towards the bottom,  All Devices -- pick a number for check in intervals.

You can then apply this new policy to your iPhone profile.  The iPhones may have been trying to check in every 15 minutes, which is default for mobile devices for SM

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