Issue with Enrolling / Removing Android Devices


Issue with Enrolling / Removing Android Devices

I attempted to setup four devices, a mixture of Samsung Android v7/8 devices (ones i normally manage fine) in Device Owner Mode. One for an existing staff member went through fine, however on the other 3 i was setting them up for a new owner. I created the new owner but forgot to click the final save button at the bottom of the page before enrolling them all against a user that technically didnt exist. After entering the credentials and attempting to enrol, the application crashed and then took me back to the home screen.


The devices never appeared in the Meraki Console. In Meraki SM on the devices they are listed as Not Enrolled, but Device Administrator Enabled, SM is device owner and Location Services are all enabled.


If i attempt to enroll the device, the meraki app simply crashes upon scanning the QR Code each time.


If i attempt to factory reset the device and repeat the process the same thing now happens each time as above.


I cannot uninstall Meraki as the package is an active device adminstrator, and if i go into device administrators on the device, the Meraki - Deactivate button is greyed out.


The only thing i can work out i did differently to successfully enrolling devices is that i tried to authernticate as a owner that didnt exist.


How do i remedy this and go back to square one or get them enrolled, as i essentially now have 3 devices i cannot manage.

1 Accepted Solution

It doesn't explain what happened or why, but should anyone else have a similar issue, i was able to work around it by using the Android 6+ process instead.

View solution in original post

1 Reply 1

It doesn't explain what happened or why, but should anyone else have a similar issue, i was able to work around it by using the Android 6+ process instead.

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