Install/Update Apple Notes App in iPhones


Install/Update Apple Notes App in iPhones

Basic issue: In the Add new portion of the MDM > Apps interface I cannot find the Apple Notes app.


The app is not already managed.


I have searched by several terms I believe should have returned the Apple Notes app, "note" "notes" "apple notes" "", and in none of these cases did the standard Notes app published by Apple show in the list of apps that could be managed.


What am I missing? What needs to be done in order to add this app to the list of managed apps?


What I am trying to accomplish: Recent versions of the Notes app add some features we need and I'd like to be able to update this app so that our staff can access these features on their iOS devices.

1 Accepted Solution
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That's interesting, that's always been how Notes App has worked previously. Though I have noticed a few other things not behaving as expected with 11.3.1. I have noticed that the comments at the bottom of the lock screen, isn't showing all of the information that I have setup. On 11.4 beta 4 it is working right again. 


I did look to see if I could get licenses through VPP or Apple School Manager for Notes and it doesn't show up there either. It appears that Apple has set this up to be managed through the iOS update process and/or App Store if the Notes App is removed.

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7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal

Well the very short answer is that updates to Notes are part of the iOS updates.



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I haven't observed that to be the case, though I don't have 100% proof.


For phones recently updated to iOS11.3.1 I have to manually remove the Notes app and then open the store and find and install the Notes app in order for the most recent version and features to be available.

Kind of a big deal

That's interesting, that's always been how Notes App has worked previously. Though I have noticed a few other things not behaving as expected with 11.3.1. I have noticed that the comments at the bottom of the lock screen, isn't showing all of the information that I have setup. On 11.4 beta 4 it is working right again. 


I did look to see if I could get licenses through VPP or Apple School Manager for Notes and it doesn't show up there either. It appears that Apple has set this up to be managed through the iOS update process and/or App Store if the Notes App is removed.

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Ok. As iOS11.3.1 was the first time I've needed to deal with the Notes app, at this point I'll consider it a likely bug in the build.


Once 11.4 comes out I'll give it another try and see if Notes is updated in the iOS update itself.

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Since few days ago i also faced this same issue as i am unable to Install/Update Apple Notes App in my iPhone then i start finding the solution on google where i found iPhone Error 1671 blog after visiting it, i really like this blog because it contains simple solution to get resolve it, so i also like to recommend you to visit it, if you are getting issue related to Apple iPhone.

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