For the past day or so newly enrolled android devices are not showing up under systems manager - Device List. Everything looks fine on the device, it enrolls normally, Enrollment info under configuration shows everything as normal compared to a already existing device. Policies are being applied, they just are not showing up in the dashboard. Never had this issue before.
We are on Legacy, so wonder if that has caused it. We only have android devices in SM.
Ok, so I have figured out more. It's not just that they aren't showing, it's that all the devices are registering as the same Client ID. I have two seperate devices infront of me with the same client ID but different serials and GSF Id. So the past 4 or 5 devices have all registered and been assigned the same client ID.
Is there any way to fix this?
How many devices do you have in your devices list I think Legacy SM has a limit.
568 devices. The limit on Free/Legacy was put in after we started using it and we were supposed to not have the limit applied.
If all the devices are registering as the same device, it suggests there could be something unsupported/strange with the deployment method.
Are you pre-installing the SM agent into an image and then deploying that image to other device? Or, are you using VMs for this, where the UUIDs/Serials might be shared between multiple clients? Either way, open a support case and Meraki Support can help you resolve it further, but those are the two most common reasons for devices to be enrolling as the same client. @JMCCSDA
I'm just downloading the APK directly from Meraki, installing that, and enrolling it via that. No standard image or VM, no cloning, nothing. I have done this process for over 5 years and never had this issue.
As a legacy user i have no option to open a support case or request support via any other channel other than this forum.
look under organization, license info. That will tell you how many devices are supported in your organization
There are no limits listed and no licence numbers at all. This is legacy before any limits on device numbers were imposed.