ADE Status is stuck in Assigned

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ADE Status is stuck in Assigned

I have several devices with ADE Status stuck in Assigned.  Others show pushed.  It doesn't seem to be a device specific thing and the devices all have the same profiles, etc.

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Have you tried forcing a full sync via Systems Manager > Manage > ADE

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Yes we have.  They just remain in Assigned.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Have you signed into you ADE as the terms and conditions may have been updated and you need to agree to the new terms before changes take place. 

Comes here often

I have the same problem, I suspect it is to do with devices that were not purchased directly from the Apple Business Store, but rather manually sync/added via Configuration Manager.


I am not sure if it is making any difference/impact though?

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