Threat Reporting

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Use Dashboard intelligent threat data to proactively engage your customers

What are you offering? Dashboard threat reporting with your brand + your unique analysis in non-rival capacity
How do you charge for this?
  • Monthly a-la-carte charge on top of MSP pricing
  • Inclusive in premium “security” package MSP pricing
What resources do you need to sell this?
Why is this valuable?
  • Position yourself as thought leader in the ever evolving threat landscape
  • Constant open communication with customers re security
  • Differentiation via consultative insight and understanding of customer businesses


Leverage your expertise to educate your customers on the most relevant threats to their world

In 2016 Ransomware attacks contributed to $1.5B in lost business. In 2017, WannaCry alone impacted $4B. How much will you save your customers?


Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 9.48.33 PM.png Retail Many of your retail customers are moving to wireless POS systems, putting an even greater emphasis on WAP security. Utilize the information available via Air Marshall to provide insights into potential threats, and proactively shut them down.
  • Initial configuration fee (security PS offering)
  • Monthly/Annual WAP Security cost structure
Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 9.49.45 PM.png Finance Digital threats will continue to be a significant part of your finance customers nightmares. Capture and filter the data available in Meraki Security Center to create relevant, simple, and actionable insights for your customers network.
  • Initial configuration fee (security PS offering)
  • Monthly/Annual Security Reporting cost structure
Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 9.51.13 PM.png Get Creative! Break down your core value to customers and then dig into which aspects of Dashboard you can monetize and structure Threat Reporting services around!


Previous: Intelligent POCs                                                                                Next: Network Health Reporting


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