MR Beta - Test Cases
This document contains multiple suggested features for the beta test. It is a Google document that you can download and make comments for your own records. Any questions or suggestions and additions to the form can be sent to
Providing useful feedback & active participation
Here in beta land, we appreciate radical candor. While we hope to fulfill many wishes and to fix all the bugs and corner cases, sometimes we will be able to fix it quickly and sometimes not. The best way for you to help us and yourself is to explain the scenario and the goal to frame the issue and feedback. This allows us to understand your perspective and give us a much better insight into your feedback. The community forum we have here is meant to be a shared space for people to share ideas and issues their running into since maybe someone else has the same problem.
During the beta, we’ll be giving updates to you and following up with the community here to track progress. We want to create a great tasting experience for you and make sure we’re addressing your questions and concerns in your feedback often. If requested folks are interested enough the Product team will host a WebEx meeting.
Bug Reports - Please do not contact Meraki Support
During the beta, we encourage the posting of any bugs or issues you run into in the discussion thread. If you feel that the thread is too public in nature for your issue, please feel free to email and we’ll work with you in addressing the bug, similar to how you open a Support case.
Bug reports and questions should NOT be reported to Meraki Support. The product team will be handling technical support for you. Meraki Support will not support your beta product at this time. If you open a case with Meraki Support, it should be promptly rejected and closed.
Firmware and firmware upgrades
All beta APs are running a custom firmware. In your Dashboard you will see the following:

Firmware upgrades are handled by us and do not affect any other MR access points in the same Dashboard Network.