Hi, I think I've found a bug here but curious if others are seeing it please?
GIVEN I have a Meraki Org with a variety of functioning and active MX appliances and an MG cellular gateway, all with uplink connectivity tests running
WHEN I query the uplinksLossAndLatency endpoint
THEN I see a section with the packet loss and latency results of my MG cellular gateway, but the networkID and serial both show as "null"
"networkId": null,
"serial": null,
"uplink": "cellular",
"ip": "",
"timeSeries": [
"ts": "2024-11-07T13:37:01Z",
"lossPercent": 0.0,
"latencyMs": 24.1
I know it has to be that device as it's the only device in the org with a cellular interface, and the latency correlates.
Highlight - Service Observability Platform