Good day to you.
Yesterday, by define networkID, ssid number, NPS list, I success update some network's SSID.
but in some network, I got error said "'encryptionMode' must be one of: 'wep' or 'wpa1', or 'wpa2' ....
I use Python Meraki library. I have no idea how to fix it.
If I manually update by web interface, I success. Then if I run my script again, it can success submit by same content.
May I have your advise how to fix if I encounter again?
Thanks for your time.
Best Regards.
Scott Gao
Check the authMode parameter that you are passing.
Otherwise, can you paste your code?
Hello Philip
May you please check below.
2024-05-30 21:22:46 meraki: INFO > GET https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/networkID_xxxxxxxx/wireless/ssids
2024-05-30 21:22:47 meraki: INFO > wireless, getNetworkWirelessSsids - 200 OK
Good_WIFI 0
Good_Guest 1
Good_GUEST 2
Unconfigured SSID 4 3
Unconfigured SSID 5 4
Unconfigured SSID 6 5
Unconfigured SSID 7 6
Unconfigured SSID 8 7
Unconfigured SSID 9 8
Unconfigured SSID 10 9
Unconfigured SSID 11 10
Unconfigured SSID 12 11
Unconfigured SSID 13 12
Unconfigured SSID 14 13
Unconfigured SSID 15 14
before update
2024-05-30 21:22:47 meraki: INFO > GET https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/networkID_xxxxxxxx/wireless/ssids/0
2024-05-30 21:22:48 meraki: INFO > wireless, getNetworkWirelessSsid - 200 OK
number 0
name Good_WIFI
enabled True
splashPage None
ssidAdminAccessible False
authMode 8021x-radius
dot11w {'enabled': False, 'required': False}
dot11r {'enabled': False, 'adaptive': False}
encryptionMode wpa-eap
wpaEncryptionMode WPA2 only
radiusServers [{'host': '', 'port': 1812, 'id': '667095694804279971', 'radsecEnabled': False, 'openRoamingCertificateId': None, 'caCertificate': None}, {'host': '', 'port': 1812, 'id': '667095694804279970', 'radsecEnabled': False, 'openRoamingCertificateId': None, 'caCertificate': None}]
radiusAccountingEnabled False
radiusTestingEnabled True
radiusServerTimeout 1
radiusServerAttemptsLimit 3
radiusFallbackEnabled False
radiusProxyEnabled False
radiusCoaEnabled False
radiusCalledStationId $NODE_MAC$:$VAP_NAME$
radiusAuthenticationNasId $NODE_MAC$:$VAP_NUM$
radiusAttributeForGroupPolicies Filter-Id
ipAssignmentMode Bridge mode
useVlanTagging False
radiusOverride False
minBitrate 11
bandSelection Dual band operation
perClientBandwidthLimitUp 0
perClientBandwidthLimitDown 0
perSsidBandwidthLimitUp 0
perSsidBandwidthLimitDown 0
mandatoryDhcpEnabled False
lanIsolationEnabled False
visible True
availableOnAllAps False
availabilityTags ['legacy_wifi']
speedBurst {'enabled': False}
2024-05-30 21:22:48 meraki: INFO > PUT https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/networkID_xxxxxxxx/wireless/ssids/0
2024-05-30 21:22:49 meraki: ERROR > wireless, updateNetworkWirelessSsid - 400 Bad Request, {'errors': ["Authentication mode '8021x-radius' requires WPA Encryption mode to be one of: 'WPA1 and WPA2', 'WPA2 only', 'WPA3 only', 'WPA3 192-bit Security'"]}
Do you have the API Early Access enabled ?
def updateSSIDNPS(networkID,ssidname,radiusServers, newname):
print("before update")
except Exception as e:
response = dashboard.wireless.updateNetworkWirelessSsid(networkId=networkID,number=ssid[ssidname],radiusServers=radiusServers, name=newname)
return response
except Exception as e:
print('update SSID Fail with error: '+str(e))
Hi Here is my code
You can try adjusting this part:
response = dashboard.wireless.updateNetworkWirelessSsid(networkId=networkID, number=ssid[ssidname], radiusServers=radiusServers, name=newname, encryptionMode='WPA2 only')
Hello Alemabrahao
Follow your advice, I will get below error.
update SSID Fail with error: "encryptionMode" cannot be "WPA2 only", & must be set to one of: ['open', 'wep', 'wpa', 'wpa-eap']
But I try below code can get success.
dashboard.wireless.updateNetworkWirelessSsid(networkId=networkID,number=ssid[ssidname],radiusServers=radiusServers, name=newname, encryptionMode='wpa-eap')
I will keep use this code.
Thanks for your help.
The error code at begining is error for authentication mode, but finally I fix by encryptionMode? It's interesting.
Your code doesn't work.
You need to do a 'GET' , decompile every key:value pair and update the one you want ( RADIUS ? ) and then 'PUT' all the keys:value pairs with
From the SDK :
Exactly like Alemabrahao suggested , but I think the dashboard will complain that other keys are missing.
Ajust like this:
authMode = '8021x-radius'
encryptionMode = 'WPA2 only' # Changed from 'wpa-eap' to 'WPA2 only'
wpaEncryptionMode = 'WPA2 only'
We've had this exact error recently but through the GUI (our Org is on n747). The fix for us is to revert the view back to 'Old' view, save the SSID config, return to 'New' view and then make and save the changes without further errors.
Support did some backend testing with our Org today and I'm waiting to hear back from them
We had a case opened about this issue back in nov 2023. This might be already fixed with the API beta program. Let me check.
Even though you are just doing the update, you must provide the encryption mode used by the SSID in your script.
For Example "encryptionMode": "wpa",
Hi Alemabrahao
Thanks for your reply. But I can update success to some network with same code. Do you still insist your comment.
I just fail again, but it's after I see your reply.
Thank you.