Question about the time value of 'lastReportedAt'.
I currently have a connection between Tableau Server and Meraki API data. Data is pulled and refreshed every 5 minutes from dashboard.organizations.getOrganizationDevicesStatuses(organization_id, total_pages = "all") . If I pull the data at x time, for example1:30pm, the 'lastReportAt' field shows different timestamps for each unique device (Identified by unique serial number).
Below is an example of 1 pull at 12:21:30pm on 6-21 and the timestamp(UTC time) variance for each serial device:
Each pull is for a unique device.
1st device was reported at 12:20:47 seconds, last device at 12:21:29 seconds.
I have 2 questions. Is the variance in seconds normal? and why is there a variance? I ask because I would assume if the request is being done at 12:21:30pm, then the timestamp would show 12:21:30pm for all of the devices, or in this case 3:21:30pm UTC time.

Thank you!