getOrganizationDevicesStatuses is now deprecated

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

getOrganizationDevicesStatuses is now deprecated

Hi ,


So I just found out that getOrganizationDevicesStatuses is now deprecated and should be replaced by getOrganizationDevicesAvailabilities and other variants.


I'm fine with that , however with getOrganizationDevicesStatuses we used to be able to get the device model which we do not in getOrganizationDevicesAvailabilities. 


It was useful information for us for many reasons. Is it possible to add-it ?


Cheers ,

6 Replies 6
Getting noticed

In the meantime you could get the device models from call "getOrganizationDevices"



Thanks for the suggestion. This is exactly the workaround we have at the moment

Device models do not change, and can be inferred from the four-letter prefix of the serial number. So once per model you can build the mapping and infer the model client-side, if you like.

Building a reputation

From looking at these new endpoints, it seems clear that trying to get some status information for a device that has been offline for more than a month will not be possible. You can get the information that it is offline, but not when it went offline. The last seen datetime that is in the current organization status endpoint is not in getOrganizationDevicesAvailabilities and though you can get this from the offline data returned by getOrganizationDevicesAvailabilitiesChangeHistory, you can't retrieve data more than a month old with that endpoint. Does anyone know where/how to get the datetime a device was last seen for a device that does not involve getOrganizationDevicesStatuses?

Hi @CBurkhead , if the device is offline for 2+ weeks, then it's dormant. If it's "offline" then it can only be offline for <2 weeks, in which case it's necessarily within the timespan of change history. It would have to be offline for more than a month for it to not have status change information in the change history operation, in which case, Meraki dashboard is probably not the source of truth you need to find out why it went offline, in any case, since it's almost certainly not a Meraki-side issue that explains why it went offline.

Of course, if your application polls the change history once a month, then you'd have this information as well, for posterity.

Building a reputation

For the purposes of this application, offline vs. dormant is not relevant. We have customers that are not always quick to allow the repair/replacement of devices at their sites, so there are devices that stay offline for long period of time. We keep track of these on a dashboard that refreshes periodically. This dashboard is also used to monitor more current offline devices as well. Yes, if any of these older devices come online, we will get the normal Meraki email, but we want some backup as well. I would like to be able to avoid having to save datetime data to a file if there is another source for the "last seen" information, but if this is no longer going to be available though the API past a month's time, I will do what I need to do.

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