Hi Meraki-Community,
I am working on a script where I want to update settings for some devices. However, I am stuck with the updateDevice function, because it is giving me a 404 error.
One could think, the given serial of the device is just wrong, but for the same serial I get a response with the getOrganizationInventoryDevice function.
Did someone stumble upon this already? Some ideas how I could fix this?
Here are some code snippets for explanation, what is working and what not:
response = dashboard.organizations.getOrganizationInventoryDevice(ORG_ID,dev["serial"])
this is returning me a dictionary with MAC-Address, serial, name, model and further information
response = dashboard.devices.getDevice(dev["serial"])
this is throwing a 404 error meraki.exceptions.APIError: devices, getDevice - 404 Not Found, please wait a minute if the key or org was just newly created.
the same as with
response = dashboard.devices.updateDevice( dev["serial"], name=dev["name"], tags="test")
I am running the functions in the same loop, so dev["serial"] is always the same value, but even if I try it with a hard coded serial I get the same result.
thank you for any hint,
PS: I claimed that device to inventory on 15 of december, so waiting a couple of minutes does not seem to be the solution