Best practice for me was just create a small organisation for yourself.. Add some devices to it..(just claim devices) . After 30 days , unclaim and add the device (or you can make a script which does that)
Think of what you want to achieve and just start programming in python which is a very easy language to master... Just like the good ole BASIC.
Postman is good for simple API commonds, but not suitable for making batch and check/loops etc. Once you are familiar in Python and Meraki API, you never use the postman program, only the Postman/Meraki API guide
Basic start with Meraki API is :
import meraki
import apikey
api_key = apikey.Get_Api_Key("COMPANY")
dashboard = meraki.DashboardAPI(api_key)
my_org = dashboard.organizations.getOrganizations()
for org in my_org:
org_id = org['id']
api_key is created in the dashboard. copy and save it
Any other questions.... just post them here, and i am pretty sure you have answers soon. Many of us have created several scripts already to perform actions. My company has a 300+ network environment and we make scripts to make live so much easier.
Enjoy the API