Very basic Postman Code question

Head in the Cloud

Very basic Postman Code question



I have been plunged head first into API stuff having not done programming before : /

I have a decent idea of how it all works but I need to rapidly learn programming 😛

For example, right now I am trying to write a call that will Aggregate 10 pairs of switch ports between two switches (for example aggregate port 48 on switch 1 with port 48 on switch 2).

I found the basic script in the library which looks great, but I assume there is a way to write it to do a range (eg 38 - 48) rather than having to write the same thing out 10 times. Trouble is I'm not sure what language I need to learn for Postman.

I know Python is the most common language for writing scripts but is that what postman uses? Can I just type python into the body field and away I go or does it use something else?

    "switchPorts": [
            "serial": "switch 1",
            "portId": "48"
            "serial": "switch 2",
            "portId": "48"
6 Replies 6
Getting noticed

Here is a link about scripting in Postman. The great thing about APIs though is you can really write a script in any language you want. I've written some in Powershell or in CFML (Adobe Coldfusion). Python is a great language to learn too.

Head in the Cloud

Thanks! - Annoyingly it looks like Im going to have to use Python or something if I want to do anything more than basic API calls?

I wanted to stay with postman because it has a really easy interface for collaborating with other team members - sharing scripts in a central repository etc but I guess Im going to have to figure out how to do that with some other Python client : /

Kind of a big deal

Assume you will use this!create-network-switch-link-aggregation to create an aggregate link.


From the documentation...


You need to issue this call for each aggregated link you want to create.

An aggregated link can have from 2 to 8 ports 

The ports must each be specified in the call as serial number + port number, there is no option to specify a range.


To create ten links, you could create a 'for' loop to issue the ten calls, incrementing the port number each time, like...


ser1 = serialnumberofswitch1

ser2 = serialnumberof switch2

for port_num from 1 to 10

create_link(ser1, ser2, port_num)


...this is illustrative, not code in any particular language

Head in the Cloud


I was just about to reply with some sudo code of what I need to figure out how to code, more or less the same as yours I think, although I was using a variable counter for port number. I dont think I can do this in postman? I'll have to get Python installed and working 🙂 

Var1 = Serial 1

Var2 = Serial 2 

Var3 = 38   #portId


For Loop until var3=48



    "switchPorts": [


            "serial": "var1",

            "portId": "var3"



            "serial": "Var2",

            "portId": "Var3"





Set "var3"+1

Kind of a big deal

Not sure about Postman as I use Python, once you get started it's pretty straightforward, there're a lot of sites with Python examples/tutorials.


Install the latest full release for your platform, probably 3.10 at the moment. Once you've got it set up, install the Meraki Python package (pip3 install meraki).


On linux/Mac I use always use pyenv to install Python, if you are using Windows there also a version (I haven't tried it though).


I'd recommend you install using pyenv it as it can simplify using/managing your Python environment. See  for instructions for Windows if that's what you will use.


Head in the Cloud

Iv actually found something called replit that might work for python collaboration, however I am having an issue installing the meraki module via pip but thats a separate issue.



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