VLAN Profiles Action Batch

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VLAN Profiles Action Batch

Hi, I was trying to create some action batches to set network plan profiles but when I try to submit the batch I always got error 500.


This is a sample payload :


    "confirmed": false,
    "synchronous": false,
    "actions": [
            "resource": "/networks/***redacted***/vlanProfiles",
            "operation": "create",
            "body": {
              "iname": "Test",
              "name": "Test Profile",
              "vlanGroups": [],
              "vlanNames": [
                    "name": "test",
                    "vlanId": "100"


Any suggestion?

6 Replies 6
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Everything seems fine, action batches gave me a hard time and I stopped trying to use them. Instead I work with meraki.aio library and make concurrent calls for efficiency

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

In general regarding actionbatches there are two ways to run them; synchronous or asynchronous. Running them synchronous means they are pushed in the order as the are appended in the actions. Asynchronous they are pushed in whatever order. And either way they aren't pushed unless "confirmed" is set to True.


You submit a batch that is supposed to run, and it returns an ID. You then check on that ID to make sure it's actually completed or not.


I think the payload looks good enough. Are you running it synchronous? And how many actions are there? Synchronous mode, only supports up to 20 actions, so you'll need to split it up in chunks.


Perhaps also use True/False, and not true/false (first letter capital).

LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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Getting noticed

I need action batches as I need to push configuration changes for thousands of networks. 


As the sample payload I use asynchronous call (cannot wait) and I already manage the returned ID to check status. 


The overall process works flawlessly, the issue is with this specific action batch which returns always error 500, regardless the way I try to configure it. 

Are VlanProfiles enabled on your organization in the early access API?

LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Is the network either a "combined" network or a "switch" network?


This is also an "Early Access" feature.  Have you got "Early Access" enabled for either the org or this network under Organization/Easy Access?



Getting noticed

Hi, both Early Access and VLAN Profiles are enabled for the organization but still Error 500 from Meraki if trying to submit a batch with a VLAN Profile action.

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