@DexterLaBora Yes. The installed applications on a client device, alongside their installed version number.
I would like to query the API for a device and its installed Applications and version. You have a field (missingAppsCount) that shows how many applications are missing from the device, so this information you must clearly have already.
You currently have "https:"
Which offers the following:
"Additional fields that will be displayed for each device. Multiple fields can be passed in as comma separated values. The default fields are: id, name, tags, ssid, wifiMac, osName, systemModel, uuid, and serialNumber. The additional fields are: ip, systemType, availableDeviceCapacity, kioskAppName, biosVersion, lastConnected, missingAppsCount, userSuppliedAddress, location, lastUser, publicIp, phoneNumber, diskInfoJson, deviceCapacity, isManaged, hadMdm, isSupervised, meid, imei, iccid, simCarrierNetwork, cellularDataUsed, isHotspotEnabled, createdAt, batteryEstCharge, quarantined, avName, avRunning, asName, fwName, isRooted, loginRequired, screenLockEnabled, screenLockDelay, autoLoginDisabled, hasMdm, hasDesktopAgent, diskEncryptionEnabled, hardwareEncryptionCaps, and passCodeLock."
We just need two new fields: installedApps and installedAppsVers.