POST merakiAuthUsers returning "null" body


POST merakiAuthUsers returning "null" body

Hi there!


I'm using the Meraki API in order to create guests access over some Wifi networks.


It works everytime, except that some time the response got a 201 status, but with "null" in the response body.


The response should always contains a body as described in your own API docs here :


Can you reproduce the problem on your side or do you have any logs that goes on this way?


Thank you boys and girls.



6 Replies 6
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

How many API calls are you making? The Meraki Dashboard API is rate-limited to ten calls per second, per organization.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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you would get a 429 response if you hit a rate limit

Knowledge is power
Head in the Cloud

This is a user forum, your post reads like it's addressed to Meraki, imo it's unlikely anyone at Meraki will investigate specifics based on a posting here.


As the response is 201 with no data, it conflicts with the API documentation. The best thing will be open a support case (via Dashboard) detailing call parameters and the problem with the endpoint intermittently giving a response that doesn't match documentation.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Is there an underlying concern here? If you get a 201 back you know its successful and the account was created.

Knowledge is power
Head in the Cloud

The documentation shows a successful response returns data, with elements not present in the request.


The created user ID for instance - which I think is required by other calls, for instance to delete the user.


If the call isn't returning that data, it's a clear error.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

As a workaround you can use the GET call to retrieve an accounts ID. But as mentioned before I would engage support as to why your getting a 201 with a null body.

Knowledge is power
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