🔥✨🤖 Now in beta: the official Terraform provider for Meraki 🤖✨🔥

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

🔥✨🤖 Now in beta: the official Terraform provider for Meraki 🤖✨🔥

This is not a joke. I repeat, this is not a joke!


🚀 Attention fellow cloud wranglers and automation aficionados! The moment we’ve all been scripting for is finally here.

Introducing the official Terraform provider for Meraki - because manually managing your network is so 2010… Now you can provision, manage, and yes, even lovingly caress your Meraki network infrastructure with the tender embrace of Terraform code. Imagine all the time you’ll save! You could learn to bake sourdough, or even take up knitting (network-themed scarves, anyone?).

So, strap in and get ready to terraform apply your way to a more organized, Infrastructure-as-Code setup. Your mouse is about to file for unemployment. 🐭✌️


We would love to get your feedback and understand what we can do even better.

If you encounter an issue - kindly create an issue on our GitHub repo, so we can track and fix them.


Getting started is as easy as clicking the link below.

Still think this is an April fool’s thing? Give the provider a shot and prove me wrong!

Happy scripting!



4 Replies 4
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Update: We now have a Cisco DevNet learning lab with an interactive IDE where you can learn about the Terraform Provider and get started without installing anything on your computer.
Cisco DevNet Learning Lab 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Apparently the DevNet Learning lab link above is broken. Here's the right one: https://developer.cisco.com/learning/labs/meraki-dashboard-terraform/introduction/

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Just went through the Cisco DevNet learning lab for this tonight and edited some ports on my home lab with Terraform. It was my first time using terraform and the Meraki API. I learned a ton! 

That’s wonderful to hear. Thanks, Jonathan.

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