Meraki group policy deployment using API via Ansible uri module

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Meraki group policy deployment using API via Ansible uri module

Hi all

I am new to both Ansible and Meraki APIs.

I am trying to create a Meraki group policy via API using Ansible.

When running the ansible-playbook, I get "New group policies must have a name" error message.

Name is added in the json files.

Can you please check the json and playbook files and help and sorting this issue.

Many Thanks.



- name: Group Policy via API
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Deploy Group Policy
        method: POST
        return_content: yes
          X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        body_format: json
        body: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.file','create_body_4.json') | to_json }}"
   "name": "test01"



I have also tried the RequestBody(JSON) from the Meraki example (!create-network-group-policy) but still get the same error message. It seems like "create_body.json" file is not in correct format hence "name" is not parsed properly.

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