There have been some exciting new updates added to Meraki Tools!
If you don't know, this Google Sheets add-on enables you to easily query the Meraki API and insert the formatted data into the Sheet. No coding required. Simply browse the available "reports" for the information you are looking for, fill in the query form and print to sheet!

What's New?
Custom Cell Function
Now you can easily fetch Meraki data from a cell function and have the results inserted into the sheet.
=merakiFetchReport(url, apiKey, title, refresh)

Dynamic report option
This new button will insert a dynamic report utilizing the new custom function. This allows you to configure all of your query parameters required for the API call.

With this new capability, you can build custom dashboards using Google's Explore tool to quickly build charts, graphs and pivot tables that stay up to date.
OpenAPI spec selector
You may have access to beta or customer specific features limited to an organization.
Now you can select the version of the API.

Custom report for the OpenAPI specification
You may want to explore some common properties of the API, like the path, operationId or parameters. The natural JSON is pretty difficult to parse, so this custom report extracts the most important information and flattens the data into Sheet format.

MT sensor query selectors
Some additional query selectors, such as "metrics" have been updated to better support the new MT sensor options.

Add Meraki Tools to your Google Sheets now!
Visit the Google Marketplace to get the add-on.
Or, add it from within your Google Sheets
Toolbar --> Extensions --> Add-ons --> Get Addo-ons --> Search: Meraki Tools