Meraki Interface Utilization


Meraki Interface Utilization

Hi All,

How can I tell when last a port had activity or how cab I show activity over the last 90 days? Use can is we installed new Meraki switches and we patched in all the cables that were patched in to the old switch. We know many of the ports are no longer used but we want to make sure before we remove the patch cables. I know on cisco you can view interface usage over a period and that is what I have used in the past to accomplish this or at least give me a pretty good idea. Any info is welcome and if you know a more effective way to accomplish this please let me know.


3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I tend to click on each switch port, and then set the "Historical Data" to the last month, and see if the bandwidth graph is flat at 0 b/s.  If so, you know it hasn't been used.





Thanks for the response, the issue is I have about 20 switches to do this across and really don't want to do it manually lol. I know there is a way to use an API I just need some pointers.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi ,

This endpoint will return the usage of all your switchports ( in a single call ) :


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