While trying to write a simple python script to configure a switch access policy to a network template, I couldn't find any methods to change it from the template.
I tried the method with a configuration template ID in it :
And got the following API Error :
"meraki.exceptions.APIError: switch, updateNetworkSwitchAccessPolicy - 400 Bad Request, {'errors': ['Unsupported for configuration templates']}"
I then tried to update a switch access policy bind to this template by using the same method, and it worked :
dashboard.switch.updateNetworkSwitchAccessPolicy(networkId=frwhlppd_network_id, accessPolicyNumber="1",name=' TEST ')
2021-08-24 09:49:09 meraki: INFO > PUT https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/L_XXXXXXXXXXXXX/switch/accessPolicies/1
2021-08-24 09:49:10 meraki: INFO > switch, updateNetworkSwitchAccessPolicy - 200 OK
{'accessPolicyNumber': '1', 'name': ' TEST ', [...] }
Is this normal ? I guess this is for now the only way to modify a template access policy, but will we have another way to do it (by using the template-related method for instance) ?
Thank you in advance for your answers on this topic !