Meraki API details missing

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Meraki API details missing

I am sharing the API details and missing info (highlighted in red) in the response.

We are getting null value for few details and Alert Created Date and Time is missing from below API response.


Header: X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key: <API Key>


Getting null value:
1. "id": "",
2. "severity": null,

Missing Details 
1. Alert Created Date and Time
2. Alert Type

Please see the below response we are getting currently.
        "id": "",
        "category": "Connectivity",
        "type": "Unreachable device",
        "severity": null,
        "scope": {
            "devices": [
                    "url": "",
                    "name": "MR2",
                    "productType": "wireless",
                    "tags": [
                    "serial": "Q2FD-S5SX-MXRU",
                    "mac": "88:15:44:4e:b3:30"
            "applications": [],
            "peers": []
        "schemaVersion": "network-alert-api"

7 Replies 7
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

You're trying to get health alerts for a device that's never connected into the Dashboard  ("unreachable device")...   what you're receiving would, I think, be expected behaviour.

My analogy would be:   you're asking a dad man how he's feeling...  😀

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We can see the ID and severity inside Meraki dashboard for that alert, but when we are trying to pull the alert through API, we are getting NULL value for ID & severity. 

Is there any configuration changes needed?

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

But how can you expect to get health information from a device that's not connected to the Meraki Dashboard?    Health relates to how the device is performing once it's connected - if it's not connected you won't get any health information

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Just to be (hopefully) a bit clearer - the 'Health' referred to here is the health of the connectivity of client devices that connect through the Meraki devices being queried - it does not refer to the health of the Meraki device itself.

Comes here often

We have added devices as you mentioned and now getting the "Severity" but we are still not getting Alert ID & alert created date & time. Please refer the below response.


        "id": "",

        "category": "Connectivity",

        "type": "Unreachable device",

        "severity": "critical",

        "scope": {

            "devices": [


                    "url": "",

                    "name": "MX250-SEC",

                    "productType": "appliance",

                    "tags": [],

                    "serial": "Q2SW-V95K-TAAF",

                    "mac": "08:f1:b3:58:55:9a"



            "applications": [],

            "peers": []


        "schemaVersion": "network-alert-api"


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@GreenMan : Request your input...

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

I'm really not clear what you're trying to achieve here - and I'm no expert in the script, but you appear to be trying to get status info from an MX on its warm spare 'brother' (New_spare_status) - but that MX has no warm spare (Unreachable device).   Please bear in mind this forum is not a substitute for Meraki Support.  you should probably contact them for any further assistance.

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