I am sharing the API details and missing info (highlighted in red) in the response. We are getting null value for few details and Alert Created Date and Time is missing from below API response. API: https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/N_577023702256877336/health/alerts Header: X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key: <API Key> Method: GET Getting null value: 1. "id": "", 2. "severity": null, Missing Details 1. Alert Created Date and Time 2. Alert Type Please see the below response we are getting currently. [ { "id": "", "category": "Connectivity", "type": "Unreachable device", "severity": null, "scope": { "devices": [ { "url": "https://n25.meraki.com/Coriant-Wireless/n/F_RWLaz/manage/nodes/new_list/149624921699120", "name": "MR2", "productType": "wireless", "tags": [ "1stfloorAP", "HOTSPOT", "recently-added" ], "serial": "Q2FD-S5SX-MXRU", "mac": "88:15:44:4e:b3:30" } ], "applications": [], "peers": [] }, "schemaVersion": "network-alert-api" } ]
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