Hello folks,
In our OpenAPI spec we name the operation paths to use when making API requests. These are the only paths that should be used for dashboard API requests. Making API requests to undocumented paths can mean your application suddenly stops working, the fix for which would be to change your path to one that's documented for your region.
Call to action: developers
If you have developed and/or maintain an integration that uses dashboard API, please ensure you're using only the documented paths for your region. If you already only use the documented paths, then no action is required.
Call to action: non-developer users or consumers of integrations
If you leverage integrations but are not involved in the development, please check with your integration's developer that they are only using the documented paths for your region. They should be able to affirm which paths they are using and affirm whether or not they are documented in OAS, as well as advise on a remediation plan.