How to get number of networks binded to a particular template using the API?

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How to get number of networks binded to a particular template using the API?

Do we have any API that gives the number of networks binded to a particular template?



3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

You can find your template network ID. Then use that as a parameter in the list networks in org call. That will return all networks in the org bound to that template ID. Not sure of any other method.

Ryan / SE - Networking

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Yeah, I was able to get than API(getOrganizationNetworks), but the requirement is to know how many networks are binded to a template before executing this org API .

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Like Miles mentionned , the only way ( that I'm aware ) is to retrieve the Template ID via  : getOrganizationConfigTemplates (!get-organization-config-templates ) 


Once you have that ID , you can use it as a parameter for the next call : getOrganizationNetworks (!get-organization-networks ) 


Which would look like :  GET /organizations/{organizationId}/networks?configTemplateId=XXXXXXXXXXX

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