Getting Meraki device's Ipv6

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Getting Meraki device's Ipv6

In Catalyst Center,we are using the API '<orgId>/devices'  to get all device details. From the API response we are getting the device  ip address . The existing attributes 'lanIp', 'wan1Ip' and 'wan2Ip'  having ipv4 only. How to get the IPv6 configured in the Meraki device ? we have the lanIpv6 configured in the meraki device.

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I'm not sue gives IPv6 details.


You don't say what type of Meraki device, but sounds like it may be MX.


These API calls get/update MX WAN interface settings, including IPv6...


Can't help with Catalyst Center itself, but back when it was called DNA it did not support many Meraki features, it might be you cannot do everything you want from CC.

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@sungod Thanks for the response. we are looking for all type of meraki devices (MS, MR and MX). Currently we are showing meraki device with IPv4  in the catalyst center IPv6  setup. Is there any plan to add ipv6 in the get organizations devices API ?

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Kind of a big deal

That'd be a new feature request, you can try suggesting it via the feedback button in Dashboard.


As things are, you'll need to look at device-family specific calls to get the info.

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Sure ! will raise a feature request . Do we have the device specific  API calls for all the meraki device types ?

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Kind of a big deal

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Do we have any APIs that provide the IPv6 configuration on Meraki devices? I can see the API for appliances only, and it is not working for other Meraki devices

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Kind of a big deal

You'd need to go through the API documentation in detail and see what's there, possibly also experiment.


Overall I think there's not yet full support for IPv6 across the API, it may be you won't find all you need (which then takes you back to making feature requests.)

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hi @sungod  ,Currently, the Catalyst Center doesn't support dual-stack mode. If we don't have a way to fetch the Meraki device's IPv6 address, then none of the Meraki devices will show up in the  Catalyst Center IPv6 setup. Can you share the point of contact from the Meraki side to discuss further?

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Kind of a big deal

You can make a feature request in Dashboard.


Otherwise, your options are to contact your Cisco/Meraki account manager(s).


Tbh it sounds like CC is where the issue is, so you could also try opening a support case on CC.

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