I've created the needed script.
Please make sure, that you have the latest meraki api installed (released a few days ago).
pip3 install meraki -U
script download
usage: aio_list_used_template_ranges.py [-h] -o ORGANIZATIONS
Analyze the usage of subnetPool templates
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the name/id of the organization(s) you want to analyze
Example Output:
Analyzing organization Template_Demo
Downloading Changelog
Downloading templates
Analyzing template Template_One
Analyzing template Template_Two
Analyzing template Template_Three
Analyzing template Template_Four
Analyzing template Template_Five
Getting largest supernetworks: mask 28 mask 29 mask 28
Downloading VLAN information mask 28 subnetworks: total=128 used=34 free=94 -> usage 26.5625% mask 29 subnetworks: total=256 used=20 free=236 -> usage 7.8125% mask 28 subnetworks: total=128 used=32 free=96 -> usage 25.0%
How it works:
Step 1:
Since we don't have access yet to the address settings in the network template, this script will download the organization changelog.
Step 2:
It will download all templates and map all network configuration changes to the templates.
Which also means, that it can only detect networks of a template which got changed in the last 14 months or 2 years. see Meraki Documentation for details
Step 3:
It will search for the biggest standalone supernetworks and map the smallest possible mask.
Step 4:
It will download the vlan information of all networks and calculate their usage on their respective supernetwork.
Step 5:
Print results