{"logs":[{"DEBUG cmp.magnetic-navigation on 2025/03/06 03:43":{"core.restRequest()":{"query":"/categories/id/Choosing-Your-Ideal-MT-Sensors/nodes/count?restapi.response_format=json&restapi.response_style=view&restapi.format_detail=full_list_element&message_viewer.topic_sort_order=last_post_date&message_viewer.message_sort_order=thread_ascending&nested.page=1","error":"REST Error:\\n path=\\\"https://community.meraki.com/yuzje69629/restapi/vc/categories/id/Choosing-Your-Ideal-MT-Sensors/nodes/count?restapi.response_format=json&restapi.response_style=view&restapi.format_detail=full_list_element&message_viewer.topic_sort_order=last_post_date&message_viewer.message_sort_order=thread_ascending&nested.page=1&restapi.response_style=view\\\"\\n status=\\\"error\\\"\\n code=\\\"101\\\"\\n message=\\\"No category with the specified dispid.\\\"\\n\\n----\\nFTL stack trace (\\\"~\\\" means nesting-related):\\n\\t- Failed at: #local response = rest(query) [in template \\\"core.ftl\\\" in function \\\"restRequest\\\" at line 2241, column 49]\\n\\t~ Reached through: #nested [in template \\\"core.component.ftl\\\" in macro \\\"cmp\\\" at line 77, column 33]\\n\\t~ Reached through: @cmp o={\\\"debug\\\": false, \\\"debuginfo\\\": ... [in template \\\"cmp.magnetic-navigation\\\" at line 6, column 1]\\n----"}}}],"errors":[{"ERROR cmp.magnetic-navigation on 2025/03/06 03:43":""}]}  

Client count by SSID per AP

Building a reputation

Client count by SSID per AP

I’d like to be able to get the current client count for a given AP grouped by SSID Name. Thoughts on which API endpoints might provide this info?

1 Accepted Solution
Building a reputation

@alemabrahao thanks for causing me to not be lazy and to look a little deeper.  I found the following per-network endpoint to provide what I was looking for.  I started with no filters and the default timespan of 1 day, but this gets just Wireless clients for the past hour and provides the per-Wireless client data usage for the related SSID and AP.  With this I can group and sum the data per AP and per SSID.


I wish this were a per Org Call so I could get it more often or if the syslog would write the SSID connection information, so I could get this without any API calls.  Please let me know if you/anyone might know of a more API efficient way to get this information.  Thanks again.

curl -L --request GET \
--url 'https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/[networkId]/clients?timespan=3600&recentDeviceConnections[]=Wireless' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [API Key]' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

Example response for one of the many clients (I anonymized the Client PII)

"mac":"[Client MAC ]",
"description":"[Client Description]",
"ip":"[Client IPv4 Address]",
"ip6":null,"ip6Local":"[Client IPv6 Address]",
"os":"Apple iPhone",
"recentDeviceSerial":"[Meraki AP Serial Number]",
"recentDeviceName":"[Meraki AP Name]",
"recentDeviceMac":"[Meraki AP MAC]",
"ssid":"[SSID Name]",

View solution in original post

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal

Have you checked the dashboard API?

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

Please, if this post was useful, leave your kudos and mark it as solved.
Kind of a big deal

You can use the endpoint GET /devices/{serial}/clients to retrieve the clients connected to a specific device by its serial number. You can then filter and group this data by SSID.


Another useful endpoint could be GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/connectionStats which provides connection statistics for a device. You can specify a timespan to get recent data.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

Please, if this post was useful, leave your kudos and mark it as solved.
Building a reputation

@alemabrahao thanks for causing me to not be lazy and to look a little deeper.  I found the following per-network endpoint to provide what I was looking for.  I started with no filters and the default timespan of 1 day, but this gets just Wireless clients for the past hour and provides the per-Wireless client data usage for the related SSID and AP.  With this I can group and sum the data per AP and per SSID.


I wish this were a per Org Call so I could get it more often or if the syslog would write the SSID connection information, so I could get this without any API calls.  Please let me know if you/anyone might know of a more API efficient way to get this information.  Thanks again.

curl -L --request GET \
--url 'https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/[networkId]/clients?timespan=3600&recentDeviceConnections[]=Wireless' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [API Key]' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

Example response for one of the many clients (I anonymized the Client PII)

"mac":"[Client MAC ]",
"description":"[Client Description]",
"ip":"[Client IPv4 Address]",
"ip6":null,"ip6Local":"[Client IPv6 Address]",
"os":"Apple iPhone",
"recentDeviceSerial":"[Meraki AP Serial Number]",
"recentDeviceName":"[Meraki AP Name]",
"recentDeviceMac":"[Meraki AP MAC]",
"ssid":"[SSID Name]",

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