Can the API retrieve "Reboot (lost power)" alert from Historical device data?

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Can the API retrieve "Reboot (lost power)" alert from Historical device data?

Our devices are occasionally or regularly out of connection because they lost power. Can the API retrieve the datetime recording when the device has no power? I see an alert "Reboot (lost power)" appearing at device, which is helpful for us to determine how long in the past the device lost power until a reboot, then we can troubleshoot what causes the power lost. Is that possible to retrieve these information from the API?

7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Does that info appear in the event log?


If so - then yes - by retrieving the event log and filtering out those messages.

Kind of a big deal

I've never seen appliance lost power/reboots reported in Dashboard network event log, nor in the events returned by getNetworkEvents (using V1 API).


It always seemed a curious omission, as on the device page summary tab, the 'connectivity' timeline bar does pop-up a message saying there was a reboot and the cause (typically lost power or firmware update), clearly the information is there.


I haven't tried, but my guess is webhooks or SNMP would be the best bet, as I think they can give alerts for device going offline/online, you'd need to set up something to receive them.

A device offline can be no internet but the power is still on. We're only interested in when a device lost power, then we will troubleshoot UPS that supplies power for this device. This reboot (lost power) is critical for us.

Kind of a big deal

Yes, but have you actually looked at the webhook/SNMP data to see if it gives the reason?


Until you try it, you won't know.

Where can I find webhook/SNMP data? I'll appreciate if you can show me, I am not a network engineer.

Kind of a big deal

For SNMP you would need to set up a SNMP server to receive the traps, then configure Dashboard to send to that server. It's limited compared to webhooks.


For webhooks you also need a server, but it's probably faster/simpler to try out.


See here for using with a simple JSON server...


With the lack of documentation on precisely what will be sent, it's not possible to say if you'll get what you are looking for, so you need to try and see if you are lucky!


Quickest way could be to use Heroku to host the JSON server for free...


...then configure an MX test network to send webhooks to your server, cut the power the MX for a short period and see what webhooks sends when the MX restarts.


Thanks for the information, I don't have a privilage to modify these settings but I will keep this as an alternative option.

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