Hi there,
We all see the graph of traffic by time to time within a day,
and I want to extract the usage amount in total network and make a new graph using Meraki dashboard APIs by python.
(ex - a bar graph moving to the left by 30 minutes interval automatically)

I found some APIs about traffic like
'Get Network Traffic - https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api/#/rest/api-endpoints/networks/get-network-traffic' and 'Get Network Client Usage History - https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api/#/rest/api-endpoints/clients/get-network-client-usage-history'
But in 'Get Network Client Usage History', I can find only 1-day data not specific time interval(ex - 15 mins),
and in 'Get Network Traffic', I cannot see the total flow of usage data.
Do you know any proper APIs to make a graph like the image above?
Best Regards,