I'm trying to use the `updateDeviceWirelessRadioSettings` endpoint (via the Python Library, but the same issue occurs if using the web-based test panel) to configure an AP with a manual Channel, Channel Width, and target power in the 5GHz band:
This works fine for 20MHz and 40MHz 5GHz channel widths. However, when I try to set an 80MHz channel with, I get a response back that only 20MHz and 40MHz channel widths are allowed:
meraki.exceptions.APIError: wireless, updateDeviceWirelessRadioSettings - 400 Bad Request, {'errors': ['Invalid channel width for fiveGhzSettings: channel width must be in 20, 40']}
This is in contradiction to the API docs which say that 20, 40, 80, and 160 channel widths are allowed:

The AP in question is an MR45, which does support 80MHz channel widths (and uses them when in auto mode!).
Is this just a mistake in the API that needs to be resolved? Or is something else at play?
Thank you!