My wish is a complete schedule/timer for all the Meraki equipment (reboot/factory reset/revert to last settings). The ability to schedule reboots or factory reset or revert to last settings, any time, any day, any year, or to set reboots on a unlimited timer. Use seconds, minutes, days, week, months. i.e reboot in 30 seconds or i.e reboot in 30 days or reboot in 1 month. Needs to be very flexible. Reboot every Sunday at 2 am. Reboot every Month at 3am, Reboot every 6 months, or Reboot every Year. Must be able to used all options in conjunction. Example: Reboot in 120 Seconds, Factory Reset in 15 Minutes, Revert to Last Settings, 20 Minutes. This way you can make changes that could affect the network in an adverse way and if you lost access to the device it would Factory Reset in 15 minutes getting you back on line or if that did not work the Meraki would revert to last Settings in 20 minutes, getting you back on line. Must have the ability to cancel any of them at any time, if the reboot works you would then cancel the factory reset and the revert to last settings. Thank -DS